Monday, September 28, 2009

Coming Soon.....

Okay, so I saw these adorable flower hair bows on someone's etsy shop and had to try to recreate them. I must have tried nine or ten different methods, but I think I finally came close. Now that I have it figured out, I'll be adding a tutorial on how to make them very soon. I just had to share a quick pic because they are so darling. They're made of fabric, not the creative possibilities are endless! I'll be making more this week, so stay tuned for the tutorial:)


  1. Thanks for teasing us with these Katie!! I just need to hire you to make me some of these and the other corkscrew ones... I don't have time to make them now that I'm gone during the day :(

  2. These are very pretty. I look forward to your post so I can try making them too. :D

  3. So when is the tutorial coming??? :p
